"Leadership is influence." October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I wonder how I can I can influence someone this month to become more aware of their health as a leader. Our health affects how well we can lead. Women struggle with concerns of hypertension, stress, communication, and daily management while juggling the load on the homefront. Living purposefully and restored is possible if we desire to have the future of our dreams. I'll be sharing insightful tips on my livestream and podcasts. Check out the livestream schedule below.
Mom Would Be Proud...October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
During this month we honor many heroes who fight and who have fought courageously in the battle with breast cancer. Last month, we had a great victory as we pushed out our own new addition to the Modern Empowerment family, Restored Survivor.
If you are in the fight or know someone who is in the fight, you can win!
Breast Cancer awareness is special to me because my sweet mother fought a splendid and admirable fight against cancer. Our family did not know much about breast cancer like we do now. We learned along the way. She didn't allow the diagnosis to get her down but allowed it to give her a way to model her faith and strength to her family and friends. The doctors gave her months. Her faith gave her many more years. Her spirit and loving nature inspired doctors, physical therapists, and family.
To be transparent, as a daughter, I had a different battle on the inside. I had a hard time coming to grips with the disease and what was going on with my mother. Little did I know, that I would learn many lessons that would help me to become the better woman and leader that I needed to be. I know that the things that work out for our good, don't always feel good.
I want to encourage all of you this month to find someone to connect with, love on, and speak life into. You never know what they may be going through. We aren't just working a job, career, business, or ministry; we are always moving in our pathway of purpose daily.
If you would like to read more about my journey (and some of my drama ;-) ) you can get a copy of my book, The Irreplaceable Mother on Amazon. If you would like a signed copy, please order through PayPal. 

Below are some cool resources to read through from the American Cancer Society and the CDC regarding Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines. Please feel free to share with others. As women approach the age of 45 years, it is advised that they begin to take their annual mammograms. That means about the high school graduating class of 1997 guys!! :-)
American Cancer Society Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines

CDC Breast Cancer Screening Location and Info

"If you would like to continue to receive these special articles and notes, awesome! If you would like to unsubscribe to our newsletters and emails, you can manage your subscriptions at the bottom of these emails."
I will begin Livestreaming on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram Daily starting on October 9, 2023. During our live streams, you will gain tips and tools to add value to your week and to encourage you as a leader. There will be impromptu Livestreams as well. Subscribe and follow so you don't miss out!
Mondays: Motivation for Mothers;
Tuesdays: Getting To Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses;
Wednesdays: Restoration Talks (TM): Thriving Beyond Sexual Trauma and Abuse;
Thursdays: Empowered For Purposeful Living;
Fridays: Real Relationship Talk #GirlTalk
Sharing Is Caring: I encourage you to share with others that are around you. Please share my blogs, videos, and articles with others if you find value in them. I write them as a resource to add value to others so that they can live a life of Freedom, Balance, and Faith For Success!
Make A Positive Impact!

Lorinda Buckingham
Lorinda Buckingham is the President and CEO of Modern Empowerment Inc. and is a Leadership Coach, Leadership Trainer, and Speaker certified by the John Maxwell Team! She is also the Creator of Restored Survivor to help women and girls break free from emotional and mental pain.
Clients gain personalized attention and customized packages that meet the needs of their organization. Lorinda delivers amazing value by sharing proven principles in empowerment and leadership. Professionalism, friendliness, and authenticity and the hallmarks of Lorinda.