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Product Rejuvenate Your Confidence eCourse: 5 Step Roadmap To Build Courage and Take Risks To Refresh Your Personal Brand [One-Time Payment] $1500

In this Rejuvenate Your Confidence eCourse: 5 Step Roadmap To Build Courage and Take Risks To Refresh Your Personal Brand coaching program, you will explore 5 key areas of "Courage, Risks, and Rewards" that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards to replenish your confidence and personal brand.

You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. You will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs. 

In this program you'll get:

  • 5 Week Online eCoaching Program
  • 5 Weekly Video Modules
  • 5 Mp3 Audio Lessons
  • Downloadable Worksheets and Activities
  • 24/7 Online Access
  • Private Client Portal
  • 12-month access from the date of purchase 
  • Payment Options: 1 payment or 2 Installments (4% processing fee for payment plan) 
  • and much more!

This coaching program is for you if you:

  1. Put Yourself Down or Second, even though you know you are worth so much more
  2. Frequently find yourself short of courage, despite trying to step out to take risks
  3. Want to achieve a new level of success in your business or career
  4. Want to re-invent yourself and step into the world feeling liberating
  5. Ready to transform your deepest fears regarding your confidence, and take a chance into enlightened and joyful action
  6. Want to create a new mindset of confidence for you and your family that you've always desired
  7. Want coaching to help you make these life-changing, important breakthroughs


This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities! Don't delay! Sign Up for this on-demand eCourse today!  

Buyers will have 12-month access to eCourse from date of purchase. 

4% processing fee added for payment installment plan option. 

Securely pay with PayPal. Accept PayPal and Major Credit cards. 

Payment structure 780.00 USD Payment Installment then 1560.00 USD split into 2 payments of 780 USD every 30 days on 02/15/2025

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Payment Installment of 780.00 USD